Wednesday, July 3, 2013

More About Dale Copeland, Collage Exchange and some Books

Yesterday I introduced my blog with a description of the International Collage Exchange and a few examples of my submissions in the 2013 15th annual exchange. I will admit that I had wanted to do this for years, but always made myself “too busy.” THIS year I decide that it was high time to invest in some of those projects and adventures that I have put off for too long. It’s really past time for me to become a deep-sea diver or ride a camel across Australia, but there is plenty of time (if and when I make it) for some of these long-anticipated projects. So the collage exchange became a high priority in order to complete before the mid-March deadline. Making that commitment, it was easy to soldier on. And since I also made the commitment to try some specific techniques or explore certain materials I was able to do some exploring while I was at it. This was a major break-through for a workaholic who really does not need to work full-time at a part-time business….but does.

For those who want to know more about the collage exchange and see some past exhibits:

Dale is a real go-getter when it comes to promoting art, as well as being a self-sustaining artist. In addition to everything else, she self-publishes books of her work, the work of others, her own collection of collages from the exchange, and books on other aspects of her passions – bookbinding, assemblage, Taekwon-Do. Yes, this woman of a certain age - artistic, creative, inventive, curious, joyful – is also passionate about Taekwon-Do. Go figger.

  All of which contributes to her ability to support herself through art. Her book, “Elephants and Camels – the art of staying afloat” addresses the issue of self-support as an artist, the two animals providing a metaphor for that kind of life. The book also reveals her great sense of humor:
“What do you get if you cross an elephant with a kangaroo?”

“Bloody great holes all over Australia.” 

And an analogy to life from the passage in a book containing advice on riding a camel, “Hang on until it stops.” 

This book contains some autobiography, some personal poetry, some philosophical reflection, some practical advice, and lots of images of Dale’s assemblage work, with commentaries relating to their creation. Somehow it all works together in a fascinating book. 

For the exhibition of Elephants and Camels (by Dale Copeland and Peggy Earle) click here:

A couple of other books I happen to have are:

The Copeland Collection, Volume Two (100+ collages from the International Collage Exhibition/Exchange), which is self-explanatory, and

Exhibit No Fear: Art and words by 56 artists from various countries around the world. In works that include collage, painting, assemblage, wood block printing, etc. these artists confront the subject of fear and each offers a statement about the work, or its meaning to the artist.  

You can find out more about Dale and her various projects and activities at these links: 



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